Windy CB

I am currently in Crested Butte, CO, staying at my friends’ house while they are on a five week vacation. I rolled in Thursday night after driving over the many knock-out passes painted with fire and gold Aspen trees. The increase in altitude is enough to make my first night or so here always restless. And that only seemed to tag the other restlessness underneath it.

It’s grey here. But today, Saturday, was grey, windy and rain. What did I do? I re-wrote a story, wrote a song on the piano – which I haven’t played in forever – and watched college football – which I stopped caring about after living in New Zealand. Lazy is an understatement (except for the creative stuff;)

And now it’s blowing so hard outside if I had hair it would look like the above picture.

Something that I have noticed along the way, getting out of town even if you don’t do anything is good for the soul. It really is nice to know without a doubt that there really isn’t anything “next” to do… unless I want to.

I highly recommend it.

Tomorrow? Hopefully the sun comes out and I can go take pictures with my Holga…

Or just be lazy again

Or both